
Student Life

At Cedarville, 你加入了一个热衷于在基督里成长的团体, having fun, 和 doing life together. Lock arms with other believers 和 make memories that will last far beyond your 1000 Days on campus.

Experience Vibrant Community

无论是在宿舍的深夜谈话, a Nerf war with your student organization, 或者晚上在附近的一所大学里分享福音——你在雪松维尔的经历将充满福音 new friendships 和 unforgettable activities.

Every campus event is designed to build a rich, Christ-centered community. 所以,当你在创造回忆的同时,你也在为经历持久的转变铺平道路.


活着in Christ

每天与你的校园社区一起体验强大的讲道和充满活力的敬拜. Long considered the heartbeat of Cedarville's campus, 教会会挑战你,让神的话语成为你生命的中心. 探索过去和即将到来的教堂,并了解更多关于如何 教堂会鼓励你全心全意地跟随基督.

加入门徒小组,与他人一起在基督里成长 use your gifts to make a Kingdom impact. Whether it's mentoring kids, sharing God's love with inmates, or spreading the Gospel to the nations, 在沙巴体育期间,有无数的事工可以参与! 发现全球外展,音乐事工和校园事工的机会.

Student Activities

充分利用你在校园的1000天,并参与其中! 从音乐合奏到学生组织和校内运动, 你一定会找到一个让你有家的感觉的社区.

  • Two students holding Chi Theta Pi sweatshirt

    Student Organizations

    发现你可以参与的各种各样的学生团体. 从极限飞盘到健康科学再到摄影, there's an organization for you to plug into!
    Explore Student Orgs
  • Group of singers in Concert Chorale performing

    Music 和 Worship

    看看你如何加入一个合奏团,利用你的音乐天赋来获得宝贵的经验, form lasting connections with a lively community, 和, most of all, glorify the Lord.
    Explore Ensembles
  • Three students smiling in front of climbing wall

    Fitness 和 Recreation

    Between the 36-foot climbing wall, s和 volleyball courts, fitness center, field house, 和 more, 有很多方法可以让你在校园里保持活跃.
    Explore Recreation
  • 一群男生在打校内篮球赛

    Intramural Sports

    与你的同学在各种运动中竞争,从国旗橄榄球到羽毛球,都很有趣吗. 结交伟大的朋友和持久的回忆,同时得到一些锻炼和学习休息.
    Explore Intramurals
  • 一群学生在表演《狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》


    Do you have a passion for the stage? 通过参加戏剧或音乐剧,使戏剧作品栩栩如生, help out behind the scenes, or just enjoy attending an exciting performance.
    Explore Theatre
  • Women's soccer team celebrates victory on the field


    无论你是有兴趣成为NCAA DII运动员,还是宁愿在看台上为我们的运动队加油, 探索黄夹克运动为你提供的一切.
    Explore Athletics

Traditions 和 Events

Campus Traditions

From Getting Started, your first weekend on campus, to ALT nights 和 unique residence hall traditions, there's always an event going on, bringing campus together to create unforgettable memories.

Students holding welcome signsGroup of students in Hawaiian shirts

Upcoming Events

  • 8月 16

    Getting Started Weekend

    入门是您在雪松维尔最难忘的经历之一-欢迎我们的黄夹克回家的经历, new 和 old. From the moment you drive down University Boulevard, to moving into your residence hall, 认识像你这样的同学, 你将被介绍到Cedarville,并学习如何开始插入到这个社区. 您的家人将在整个过程中得到明确的指导和令人兴奋的氛围,欢迎您加入Cedarville大家庭.
  • 8月 19

    Fall Bible Conference

    Fall Bible Conference
  • 10月 3

    Theatre Production - The Secret Garden

    Theatre Production - The Secret Garden

Hear From Our Students

Our Student Blog: Life at Cedarville

  • Day in the Life of an MDiv Major

    你好! My name is Libby. 今年是我在沙巴体育攻读文学学士和硕士学位的最后一年. Since I am both a commuter 和 a grad student, 我生命中的一天可能看起来有点不同于典型的沙巴体育经历. 过去,我一直住在校园里的威利茨楼(Willetts Hall)!),... View Article

  • 最大化你的学习时间:我最喜欢的三个本地学习天堂

    Studying. For a lot of people, it’s like going to the dentist. In the hours leading up to it, 你的内心一想到要打破你在网上疯狂观看的电视节目的诱人幻想,把你的屁股放在椅子上,就会感到不安. You wince on the car ride over, then walk back... View Article

  • Finding Rest With a Busy Schedule

    “I’m so tired.”   Honestly, 这句话可能是我对朋友说得最多的一句话, who usually nod their heads in agreement 和 say, “Me, 太.“疲劳似乎是大学生的国歌, 这可以归因于很多因素:家庭作业, social activities, 工作, student organizations,... View Article

My 1000 Days: Kaylee Probst

22岁的Kaylee Probst分享了她在雪松维尔大学的1000天如何帮助她在信仰中成长,并为她的未来做准备.

Nothing like Cedarville University Athletics

At Cedarville University, 我们有16个校际体育项目参加了中西部体育大会, NCAA Division II, 和 the NCCAA. 我们有300多名学生运动员为基督而战, contending for championships, 和 changing sport culture. 没有其他学校像沙巴体育那样做体育运动!

My 1000 Days: Matthew Schroll

马修·施罗尔通过他在雪松维尔改变人生的经历分享了他在雪松维尔的故事,这不仅帮助他在精神上成长, but also advanced his career in nursing.

My 1000 Days: Angela Aad

分子生物学专业的Angela Aad '23分享了她在雪松维尔的1000天如此特别的原因.

My 1000 Days: Megan Albright

23岁的梅根·奥尔布赖特分享了沙巴体育的护理项目是如何为她准备的知识, skills, 以圣经为中心来满足病人的身体和精神需求.

My 1,000 Days: Kora Arminio
